Walkthrough Crown and Pawn: Kingdom of Deceit

You play as Mirdad, and first we see the open character creation tab on the computer screen. In order to progress, Mirdad first needs to “create a character”.
After completing her avatar and clicking “Create”, the player receives a character creation email, and a few seconds later a computer voice call from Dana.
During a conversation with Dana, the doorbell rang. Mirdad quickly said goodbye and got up. Players can now control Mirda in her apartment. The bell rang until Mirdad opened the door. After Mirdad opened the door, the postman handed the letter to Mirda and left. Mirda learns that her grandfather has died and she is the sole heiress of his house in Lithuania.
At any point after Milda ends her conversation with Dana and picks up the letter from the postman, she can leave the Cloud Gate (beans) if the right conditions are met:
Mirdad meets Dana near Cloud Gate (Bob). Dana is stressed because she is about to meet a potential investor for her work.
Dana and Milda discuss the inheritance papers and Dana tries to convince Milda to go to Lithuania and get the house her grandfather left her. Mirdad complains about the money for the trip, and Dana offers to donate some if they can convince the merchant Alfred to support her exhibit.
When Mirdad and Dana ended their conversation, one of the brightest pictures was blown away by the wind. Dana asks Milda to make sure everything is all right. if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],’adventuregamers_com-medrectangle-3′,’ezslot_10′,138,’0′,’0′])};__ez_fad_position(‘ div-gpt-ad-adventuregamers_com-medrectangle-3-0′);
Mirdad had to hang up a photograph that was blown away. Mirdad could have picked up the painting, but it did not stay. Mirdad needs to talk to Dana about this, and Dana chats about Alfred and mentions that she has gum. Mirdad can ask Dana to give her gum.
Now Mirdad needs to pick up the picture and fix it with chewing gum. Ordinary chewing gum doesn’t stick, so Milda has to chew it first. The player then needs to use chewing gum on the painting to keep the painting safe. After that, Alfred enters and starts talking to Dana.
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Dana introduces Mirdad to Alfred and the three of them start talking about business. Mirdad’s ultimate goal is to convince Alfred to fund Dana’s exhibition. Milda must make sure that Alfred is satisfied and that all conditions are met.
Mirdad needs to buy refreshing lemonade. She can do this by talking to the Lemonade Girl. If Mirda wants to buy lemonade, she needs coins because the lemonade girl doesn’t take cards. She can ask Dana for coins when she needs it (after trying to buy lemonade at least once). After the player gets the coins, they need to spend them on the lemonade girl to buy lemonade. After buying the lemonade, Mirda had to give it to Alfred.
Alfred complained that he couldn’t concentrate when the music was playing. Mirdad could have asked the trumpeter to stop playing, but he refused. To silence the trumpeter, the player must pour lemon juice over the trumpeter (obtained in PUZZLE A0 3.1). Mirdad learns that the lemonade sold by the Girl Scouts is made from very sour lemons that “squeeze your mouth”. When Mirdad got the lemonade, she had to pour it down the pipe. Time riddle. Mirdad had to put the coin in the trumpeter’s box. He followed them, and Mirda had to pour the juice into the pipe while the musicians were distracted. After she succeeded, the trumpeter stopped playing.
Mirda asked to buy lemonade from the Girl Scouts, but she refused to sell it, so Mirda had to convince her that she likes sour lemonade. To do this, Mirda has to chew gum, which makes her mouth go numb. Time riddle. After chewing the gum, Mirdad had a numbness in his mouth, which eventually went away. At the time, Mirda had to drink lemonade as a test to successfully prove to the Girl Scouts that she liked sour. Mirdad could then buy sour lemonade from the girl with coins.
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When the trumpeter stops playing and Alfred drinks a glass of wine, he agrees to continue the conversation with Dana and Mirdad. Alfred says that Dana needs:
To print a flyer that Milda has to go home, turn on her computer, open the mail tab – click on Dana’s letter – click on print one of the attachments. After printing the flyer, the player can remove the flyer from the printer. if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],’adventuregamers_com-leader-2′,’ezslot_11′,196,’0′,’0′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div- gpt-adventuregamers_com-leader-2-0′);
Mirdad must bring Alfred the leaflet he needs. She could guess it from the clothes on his body. He was wearing pink, so a pink flyer was just right. if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],’adventuregamers_com-box-4′,’ezslot_4′,121,’0′ ,’0′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div- gpt-adventuregamers_com-box-4-0′);
Mirdad should be wearing the dress in Dana’s painting. To see this in game, players must check their inventory for flyers (also visible in emails). if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],’adventuregamers_com-large-mobile-banner-1′,’ezslot_7′,197,’0′,’0′])};__ez_fad_position (‘div-gpt-ad-adventuregamers_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0′);
During a conversation with Alfred, Alfred hints to Mirda that he would be disappointed that Mirda changed her style if she didn’t wear the clothes she wore as Dana’s model in the artwork. Mirdad will probably come home and change as needed. The correct clothes are (hairstyle does not matter):
Alfred agrees to sponsor Dana as soon as all conditions are met. He leaves and Dana invites her and Mirda to celebrate and prepare for Mirda’s trip to Lithuania. Now Milda is free to walk next to Bean or go straight home for the next part.
Mirdad and Dana talk about the trip, what to expect. To continue, Milda needs to do the following:
Mirdad needed to pack something for the trip. The puzzle is on Milda’s phone, in the “Notes” section. Mirda needs to pack 5 things and make sure she gets everything she needs. Some items have very similar qualities, so you should only take one of them.
Possible solutions (since there are several): (1) a pair of shoes, (2) shorts or jeans, (3) headphones or headphones, (4) documents, (5) toiletries.
Mirda had to write to Joris to arrange for her to come to Lithuania. To continue, players need to open the phone menu and go to the messages section.
Mirda needs to call her mother and tell her that her grandfather has died and she is leaving for Lithuania. To continue, players need to open the phone menu and go to the calls section. The choice made during the call determines Milda’s relationship with her mother for the rest of the game.
Once Milda is done with all this, she can talk to Dana and they agree that Milda is ready to travel. The end screen begins the transition to the first act.
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Mirda came to her grandfather’s house from Chicago. Oddly enough, she found that the door was not locked. As soon as she entered the house, it was dark and the light switch was broken. Mirdad needed to go outside and reconnect the power.
Mirda needs to use her grandfather’s house key in her inventory to open the fuse box. She can then enter a close-up mini-game. Players need to solve a fuse box puzzle to turn the lights back on.
Mirdad then entered and turned on the light with a switch. The whole kitchen was in disarray, and Mirdad heard footsteps and the sound of a window in another room. If she tries to explore it, the door to the other room will be blocked. Mirda has to go back outside when she notices a broken window. Mirdad climbed through the window into his grandfather’s bedroom.
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When Mirdad entered the room, there was an intercom on the floor through which someone was talking. When Mirda answered the call, the caller seemed to know Mirda and asked her to give him some documents. Mirdad had no idea what he was talking about, but she still refused to give him anything. She realized that whatever it was, it must be important, so she continued to look around.
There are 5 blank pages scattered throughout the house: ‘ ])};__ez_fad_position(‘div-gpt-ad-adventuregamers_com-leader-4-0′);
In the bedroom drawer, Mirdad also found a vial of invisible ink, suggesting that perhaps the pages weren’t blank after all. The ink is made from strong alcohol and lemon juice and must be heated to become visible.
There was an oil lamp in the bedroom, and Mirdad had to light it. She needs a bottle of kerosene from the kitchen cabinet and a lighter from the oven. Mirdad lit the lamp with kerosene and a lighter.
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Using the blank pages on the lamp unlocks a mini-game in which the player needs to find the correct pages with text on them, and by putting them together, you will discover a letter from Milda’s grandfather. It contained a poem by grandfather and a note to Mirdad to inspect the hollow trees in the garden.
To find the tree, Mirdad needs to cut down Sosnowski’s hogweed. For this she needs garden shears. The bedroom toolbox contained broken clippers and a walnut.
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To find the bolts, Mirda needs to take the metal detector from the bedroom and turn it on from the batteries in the kitchen cabinet. She then needs to mark a spot in the garden with a powered metal detector and then use a shovel to dig a hairpin at the new marked spot.
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The correct nut was in a slot in the kitchen floor. Milda needs to pick up the magnets from the kitchen sink (Milda automatically picks up two magnets, both of which are close-ups when viewed, for another puzzle) and a piece of rope in the bedroom drawer. She needs to attach a string to it with a magnet, which is also a corkscrew (St. John’s corkscrew), and then use the magnet on the string above the crack to fish out the right size nut.
Mirdad uses the bolt and right nut to hold the scissors and then uses them to cut off Sosnowski’s hogweed. Then she reached into the hollow of a tree and took out papers and a wooden box.
Go into inventory and open the wooden crate after examining it. The puzzle with a wooden box consists of 5 moving pictures that need to be arranged in the correct order. The order can be found in the grandfather’s letter – the fattest words are the answers.
As soon as Mirdad checked the note, she received a call from a mysterious person speaking on the intercom. He said that he was running out of patience and he would deal with Mirdad himself. Mirda decides that she needs to get out of there.
Mirdad came to Joris at night. Joris, standing on the veranda outside, called Mirdad to get up.
As soon as Mirda entered the apartment, they started talking about her travels and then Mirda told Joris what happened at her grandfather’s house. To make progress, Milda needs to discuss all of her findings with Joris:
Milda gives Joris a rough translation of the old Polish text, but there is a lot of room for interpretation, so Milda must help Joris understand the message. The message is displayed with Joris’ translation and alternative words that may match the message. Mirdad must make the message clear by choosing the right words.
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Post time: Jan-06-2023